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“Where Are You From?”



“Where Are You From?”

Oct 19, 2023

“Where Are You From?”

Oct 19, 2023

“Where are you from?”

It’s a question that has always caused me to pause before I answer, not quite sure of what to say. The four decades of my life span a myriad of coordinates across North America: 12 years in Canada, 17 years in Texas, and now, 11 years in California. I am a dual citizen of Canada and the U.S.My childhood was in one location, my teen and young adult years in another, and this current season of my life in the third. Each location holds significant trials and memories of my life, but yet, when I look back, I can see God’s fingerprints carrying me and guiding me in each place.

Over the years, the question, “where are you from?” has always evoked some raw, heart-tugging emotions, as it feels as if I’m being asked, “where are your roots?” or “where is your loyalty?”

And if your life is divided almost equally into thirds, how do you answer? Can your roots go deep, but also wide? Can you “belong” to more than one place?

As I’ve come to grow in faith and grown closer to the Lord, this question no longer brings trepidation when I answer.

I know where I belong.
I know where my loyalty is.
I know who I am.
I know whose I am.

I’m a citizen of heaven.

Pastor Woody shared a powerful message last Sunday that has truly encouraged my heart this week. You know how sometimes it feels like a message at church is being spoken only for you? I felt that. He spoke on Philippians 1:27 and shared Paul’s words on what it meant to belong to heaven and live in a way worthy of the message of Christ.

“Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.” Philippians 1:27

I was reminded by Pastor Woody that citizenship holds both privileges and responsibilities. We get the privilege of living with Jesus for all of eternity, but our responsibilities? That happens here on earth. My life is to be a reflection of Jesus.

Knowing that this world is not my home has changed the way I live. The world is hard, complex and overwhelming. It feels heavy and relentless. But I know that clinging to Jesus and His hope is what shines light into all of the dark places. If Jesus is light, and He is in us, then the darkness has no chance.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

When we step into a relationship with Jesus, we also gain a beautiful family in other believers. People who are, “striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.” Philippians 1:27b. This is such a good and gracious gift from God, and I have been so grateful to experience the beauty of being surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ in each place I’ve lived.

Years ago, the understanding that my citizenship is in heaven brought a great deal of peace to my heart and felt like weight lifted from my shoulders. I no longer wrestle with the “where are you from?” question, as I can much more confidently profess that I know where I’m going. Though I hold “dual citizenship” here on earth, my more important citizenship lies above.

“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,” Philippians 3:20.

There is no leader on earth, no politician, no governor, no president, and no prime minister that will right the wrongs of this world or fix what needs to be fixed.

Only Jesus.

So while we eagerly wait for Him to return, we must live in a manner worth of the gospel.

“Where am I from?” Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. What matters is who I’m becoming and where I’m going.

I want my roots to grow wherever He has me, for however long, for His glory and the good of others.

By: Stacey Mensik

Stacey Mensik

Stacey is the Creative Content Coordinator for Hillside and enjoys telling the stories of God at work. Living in different places has given her a love for travel, and she enjoys planning itineraries and checking out local eateries!

Stacey Mensik

Stacey is the Creative Content Coordinator for Hillside and enjoys telling the stories of God at work. Living in different places has given her a love for travel, and she enjoys planning itineraries and checking out local eateries!