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5354 Haven Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Thursday
(909) 980-2191







Oct 11, 2023


Oct 11, 2023

What comes to mind when you hear the word “mine”?

Does it have a negative connotation for you?

For me, I get two pictures in my head when I hear the word “mine.” One is the scene from “Finding Nemo” when the seagulls are fighting over the prospect of eating a fish (check it out here).  The other memory is of my toddler twins fighting over the same toy. Sometimes one of them would drop the identical toy in their own hand just to grab their sibling’s and say “Mine!” In those (exhausting) days,  I tried desperately to instill in their little grabby hearts the concept that sharing is caring.

 I’ve always loved the old hymn “Blessed Assurance,” and more recently have fallen in love with the song “Trust in God” by Elevation, which starts with the same phrase – “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine.” Today my soul latched onto that word “mine” in a new way. All the negative connotations fade away, and I marvel at the word in this context. For truly a miraculous thing is at work, where we can ALL sing “Jesus is mine”… and really mean it. As hard as it is to comprehend, I feel it to my bones. When I am in the presence of the Lord, baring my soul to Him, worshiping Him, studying His word, or even sitting in silence with Him – I feel like I have His undivided attention. Especially in the wee hours of the morning, with one light on in the loft of my house, fuzzy blanket draped over my kneeling frame, no sounds but the distant freeway (and occasionally my whispers or tears), Jesus is truly mine. Like all mine.

Or when I’m in a crowd of people and His voice cuts through the noise, He is mine. When I’m driving down the road and He redirects my thoughts, Jesus is mine. Like I’m the only one in the universe that He’s engaging with.

But how, then, can you (and you and you… all of you!) feel and know that same thing at the same moment? How can Jesus divide himself among the billions of people on the planet and yet we all get 100%? I have two degrees in math, but this is some sort of spiritual Calculus even I can’t do…

Jesus is mine’ is a precious thing to me, and I could marinate in that truth all day, but it gets even better. Perhaps even more cherished is the thought that He feels the same way about calling me His own. He looks at me and says “Tricia is mine.” I am His child, fiercely loved.

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1.

Isaiah 43:1 says, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name, you are mine.” His relationship with each one of us is unique. He doesn’t speak to you exactly the way He speaks to me. Though the truth He imparts may be the same for us all, the communication is a flavor all its own. Sort of how I greet my three kids differently at the end of a school day, share “in” jokes with each of them, or tuck them into bed differently. The message “I love you” is consistently conveyed, but the method is unique and tailored to each relationship.

Example: I have a friend who is a history buff, and he is always met most deeply by God when studying the movement of God through church history and in moments of solemn liturgy and tradition that have been cherished for generations. For me, it’s often through music. For others it’s nature. When/how do you hear Jesus the clearest? How does He speak to you?

Jesus can not only “differentiate instruction” (that’s for you teachers – wink), but the most mind-blowing thing for me is that His messages of love is extended to all of us simultaneously, in ways that make us each feel like we are the only one. That is wild! Only Jesus can do that. He delights in you (Zephaniah 3:17), He wants to be with you, He gives you all of himself. Let that fill you up!Bask in the truth – maybe even say it out loud – “Jesus is mine.” Don’t feel guilty or selfish about saying it or believing it. It’s a gift we were meant to feel and know. Whether you’re alone or in a throng of people, Jesus can meet you right where you are, with full knowledge of your sin and your past, your personality and your quirks, your hopes and your desires. All your pain, He knows it. Your needs, He knows them. Your fears, He knows them, too. He is the most capable confidante, the most powerful advocate, the tenderest comforter, the most trusted friend. And He’s all yours.

Well, actually… and mine. 😉


By: Tricia McCorkle