This Sunday’s 5 p.m. gathering dinner menu: Build your own taco salad meal. Pre-order dinner now.
This Sunday’s 5 p.m. gathering dinner menu: Build your own taco salad meal. Pre-order dinner now.
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Locations & Contact
Planning Center

Engage With Us

Sunday gatherings happen at 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m.*, 11:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. Choose to join us at our Rancho Cucamonga Campus or Watch Live online.

*Sign language support (ASL) is available during our 10am service in the Worship Center.

Office Hours

5354 Haven Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Thursday
(909) 980-2191




Care Ministries



God responds to prayer with power and love. He invites us to bring our requests to him. If you have a need for which you would like prayer, we would love to pray for or with you.

Share a Prayer Request

The pastoral staff, leadership team and prayer teams pray for the needs of the church family each week. Let us pray for you.

Submit your prayer request by:

  • There is prayer team available to pray WITH you at end of a Sunday gathering.
  • There is a confidential prayer team to pray FOR you.  Submit your request, and receive email alerts each time someone on our prayer team prays for you. Submit HERE.
  • On Tuesdays a prayer team meets from 9:00am – 10:10am to pray for church needs and individual prayer requests. Anyone is welcome.

Prayer Groups

Weekend Gatherings
After each weekend gathering, prayer team members are available to pray with individuals, couples and families. Team members are located on the east and west wings of the Worship Center.

Tuesday Morning Prayer Groups
Please join us as we pray for the needs of the church weekly.

Tuesdays | 9-10 A.M.

Click here to join us on Zoom.


For information about serving on the Prayer Team or joining a prayer group, contact us.