This Sunday’s 5 p.m. gathering dinner: Chicken sandwiches with chips, or pizza and salad bar. Pre-order dinner now.
This Sunday’s 5 p.m. gathering dinner: Chicken sandwiches with chips, or, pizza and salad bar. Pre-order dinner now.
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*Sign language support (ASL) is available during our 10am service in the Worship Center.

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5354 Haven Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Thursday
(909) 980-2191



Worship Series: “Miracle”



Worship Series: “Miracle”

Aug 27, 2019

Worship Series: “Miracle”

Aug 27, 2019

All for love.

God really loves us so much. He genuinely wants a relationship with us and wants to hear from us. The same God that walked on water and turned water into wine wants to hear about our days, whats on our hearts and what we’re struggling with. How can it be that the God of the universe sees us as worthy of knowing? His unconditional love is the only answer. 

The song “Miracle” by Mosaic MSC is a perfect example of this love. The bridge of this song is full of reminders of the price Jesus paid so we all could spend eternity with Him. 

The bridge goes like this: 

All for love, You rose triumphant
All for love, You are
All for love, You came back for me
All for love, all for love
All for love, my name is worthy
All for love, You’ve come
All for love, Your scars cried mercy
All for love, all for loveThese words speak of the depth of Jesus’ love for us. He loved us so much that He stepped into the story as a human, sent on a rescue mission just for us. Love was His driving force in coming to save us all from an eternity without Him. Not only did it send Him into this broken world, but it also drove Him to the most painful death imaginable.

Think about that for a second. He loves us so much that He gave His life up for us as a ransom for our sin. He gave His life so that we could live.

The crazy part is that His love did not end with His death – it brought Him back three days later with a victorious cry that death has no hold on us because of that resurrection power. Death does not necessarily mean physical death. The devil and his schemes have no hold on us anymore because of Jesus and the love He poured out for us. Think about the last time you overcame a fear or an addiction. We are able to do that because of the power we have through our chain-breaking God. What this really gets me thinking about, though, is how are we loving others? Jesus sets a perfect example for us as to how we should love our neighbors. He died for ALL – even those who didn’t love Him, so how can we be showing love to those who are unkind or hateful toward us?

Continually praying and asking God for opportunities to serve those who persecute us is a great place to start. Whether indirect or direct, God calls us to love everyone. This can be by simply saying, “good morning,” to those you see walking down the street, or it can be as intentional as getting coffee with someone you know is struggling and offering them a listening, non-judgmental ear.

This kind of love is a miracle in itself. Because of the miraculous love that sent Jesus to a death with “scars [that] cried mercy” and which then caused Him to rise triumphantly three days later, we are able to love others and see His love in the world around us. Jesus invites us to witness and participate in modern-day miracles by loving our Savior and loving others.

Daily Prayer:

Jesus, I am so thankful for Your love for me. Thank You for sacrificing Yourself so that I can live a forgiven life. Thank You that because You rose in victory, I am no longer weighed down because of my sin. You are so good. Guide me in Your love, and allow me to be a light to those around me. I want to show others Your love and how good You are. I love You. In Your name I pray, Amen.


By Ashley Tschetter