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*Sign language support (ASL) is available during our 10am service in the Worship Center.

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5354 Haven Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Thursday
(909) 980-2191



Volunteer Spotlight: Faith Beisel

Volunteer Spotlight


Volunteer Spotlight: Faith Beisel

Mar 13, 2025

Volunteer Spotlight: Faith Beisel

Mar 13, 2025

For Faith Beisel, her name is actively on display as a follower of Jesus and a dedicated volunteer at Hillside. Since she started calling Hillside “home” just a little over two years ago, Faith has jumped in to serve and put her faith into action in a variety of ways. She is the Mexico lead for Hillside’s global missions – coordinating events, trips, and partnership with Kingdom Builders Ministry – and volunteers in our Junior High Ministry on Wednesday nights, as well as leading the 8th grade girl’s Community Group. She also vets volunteers administratively for all of Student Ministries.Faith knew that one of the main benefits of plugging in to serving at Hillside was the opportunity to meet people and get connected.

“The initial reason I began serving is because I have a work-from-home job that gave me a lot of extra time that I was not sure what to do with,” she explained. “I felt Jesus knocking on my heart to do something more than just serving myself, and I knew after taking the Next Steps class here at Hillside, that serving would be the best way for me to gain community and relationships.”Faith said that through serving and ministering to others, she has not only made friends and grown in her faith, but something unexpected has come from it.

“God has lit a fire and passion in me to serve the Next Generation and to be a voice and mentor to those who do not have one,” she said. “Whether that is our brothers and sisters down in Mexico, or the teenagers right here in Rancho Cucamonga!”

When it comes to serving in JHM, Faith said her favorite thing is getting to serve the 8th grade girls, walking with them through their own life journeys.“I have grown to love them so much, and they have helped prepare me well for when I become a mother one day,” she said. “It is truly a mutually beneficial relationship that I know God curated in His plan a long time ago.”Serving with the Mexico team has also helped shape her, and the physical labor in helping to build a home has filled her heart in the most satisfying way.“Getting to give back to the communities who need extra love is such an honor,” Faith said. “Who knew a corporate girl like me could use a drill or electric saw so well!”

Faith said she is constantly in awe at the talented people she gets to serve alongside in the two different ministries, and loves seeing God continue to provide volunteers that are filled with unique spiritual gifts, selflessness, and a desire to do deep-rooted Kingdom work.

There will always be a multitude of reasons not to serve – whether you don’t believe you have enough time, aren’t sure God can use you, or you don’t know where to begin; however, Faith said there is one giant reason why you SHOULD serve: Jesus.“If God wills it, you can do it!” She said. “He is made perfect in our weaknesses. It is an amazing way to make new friends, grow in your faith, and do something for the benefit of something or someone outside of yourself. We all have a special set of giftings and talents from God. Once you know what those are, He can definitely utilize them for His mission.”

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

In addition to her full-time job and volunteering at Hillside almost full-time, she recently got engaged and now gets to add wedding planning to her schedule. With all of these things, Faith realizes the need to cling to God to fill her cup and find rest in Him. When she finds herself navigating the human emotions of anxiousness or exhaustion, she remembers that He has her future in His hands. He has already gone before her.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

Outside of her job and volunteer responsibilities, Faith loves getting good coffee, going for walks, reading, and spending time with her friends and family. She said her family has largely impacted her faith and made her who she is today, with her mom often talking about Hillside and offering great encouragement as a morning talk show host on So-Cals Morning Rush, 99.5 KKLA – Christian Talk.Faith said she encourages everyone unsure of how God can use them to take Next Steps, a Discovery Class, or Rooted. There are various trips to Mexico planned for 2025 to help build homes for families in need. Additionally, serving alongside the Next Generation is something Faith wants to encourage those who feel led to lean into.

“Today’s young people are the people who will lead this church one day,” Faith said. “Ensuring they have a safe environment to form their faith in is a shared responsibility for all of us as the body of Christ.”

Not Sure Where to Serve?

The beautiful thing about the body of Christ is that God has uniquely wired and gifted us with different skills and passions. He has a specific mission for YOU to join Him in His Kingdom work. We'd love to help get you plugged in to serve - whether that be here at church, in our local cities or around the world.