A letter to Baby Boomers in the church…
Raise your hand if you remember 10 cent ice cream scoops from Thrifty, John Travolta in a white polyester suit and the Brady Bunch on the Friday night line-up on ABC.
About the time that Lady Di became Princess Diana and Ronald Reagan became president, I was just beginning my adult life. If you are like me and were born between 1946 and 1964 (way back in the 1900s), you are a fellow Baby Boomer, and we make up 28 percent of the U.S. population. Approximately 10,000 of us reach retirement age every day and we are one of the largest living adult generations, second to millennials. We were raised to be astronauts, doctors, teachers, fire fighters… really anything that our parents were not given the opportunity to achieve. Our parents’ goals were to make sure we had a better life than they did and then in turn, we raised our kids the same way: “dream big and you can be anything you want to be.”
So for those of us reaching retirement age, what’s next?
Sure, there are plenty of activities that can keep us busy: travel, golf, Pilates, reading, classic cars, boating, local politics, fishing, pickle ball, dining out, under water basket weaving, you name it. There is nothing wrong with relaxation, enjoying extended family and spending time with close friends, but now that your age may start with a 6 or 7, what story are you continuing to write with your life? What are you involved in that is bigger than yourself? Do you think maybe the second chapter of your life could be a God-sized adventure of moments strung together that enable you to finish strong? One of the best ways to do this faithfully as you follow Jesus is to serve others.
Why serve? Well, serving fulfills us and imitates Jesus. Jesus taught that “whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many,” Mark 10:43-45. We also learn in 1 Peter that “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various form,” 1 Peter 4:10. Serving in your local cities and with your favorite foundations can impact the lives of others. Serving with your church will impact the SOULS of others and can change people’s eternal destinies.
As I look around Hillside, I see a large multi-generational church with many opportunities to serve people.
Think the next generation is heading in the wrong direction? Instead of yelling at the nightly news and complaining on Facebook, why not mentor a young adult one-on-one? Gen Z welcomes great advice from a loving, smart Baby Boomer. Show off your cooking skills and welcome young adults around your dinner table. They love a free dinner, and you will be surprised in the interesting lives they lead and what you can learn from them!
My husband and I have been at Hillside for 32 years. Like many others here, we have served in just about every ministry. I do not say that to boast, but to tell you that not once have I come home after serving at Hillside and said, “Boy, that was a waste of time!”One of my favorite serve opportunities was last year, when we hosted a young adult’s small group. We met around my dining table every Thursday night, shared a home-cooked meal and listened to hopes and dreams of young marrieds, exciting plans of engaged couples and singles starting promising school and job opportunities. Was I 40 years older than most around the table? YES! It didn’t even matter. My husband and I got to mentor a dozen young adults and I don’t know if it changed them, but it most certainly impacted our hearts and souls.
Maybe you miss the days having littles at home or grandkids live far away. Volunteer in our Kids Ministry! You will feel young again, pour into those sweet little ones, plant some seeds of truth, and meet some great parents in the process.
Have a heart for people or enjoy meeting and welcoming new faces to Hillside? Join our Guest Experiences team and be a part of showing Jesus to those walking in our doors.
All this to say, Boomer friends, put down your golf clubs for a bit or take a night off from your book club, and commit to a re-entry back into serving at Hillside. It will be so good for your soul and there are people who desire your wisdom, leadership, optimism, love, strength and extensive talents. Our next generations are longing for mentors. Our serve teams need people that have been on the planet for a minute to impact our church and our surrounding cities.Don’t let this second chapter slip by. Join God on an adventure of using your time to further His Kingdom. It’s worth it.
Join us for our Ministry Fair THIS SUNDAY, Feb. 5 before and after both gatherings in the lobby. All ministries will be represented, and you can talk with and ask questions of our staff about the opportunities. See you there!
By: Teri Goodwin

Teri Goodwin
Teri is an official 63-year-old Baby Boomer. Since 2014, she has served as the Director of Creative Services as a full-time volunteer and wouldn’t dream of asking fellow Boomers to jump in alongside her if she wasn’t having the time of her life! She loves working with her young staff and learns from them daily.
Teri Goodwin
Teri is an official 63-year-old Baby Boomer. Since 2014, she has served as the Director of Creative Services as a full-time volunteer and wouldn’t dream of asking fellow Boomers to jump in alongside her if she wasn’t having the time of her life! She loves working with her young staff and learns from them daily.
Check out the video below about my friends Dennis and Diane. They have lived a life of serving others in our local community and came to Hillside in their late 60s a few years back. You can find them serving in Kids Ministry every week. It is never too late to be like Christ and serve others! What are you waiting for?