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Peace Like Mary



Peace Like Mary

Dec 12, 2024

Peace Like Mary

Dec 12, 2024

Life can get overwhelming.

I recently found myself processing a lot of things that were taking up space in my mind. Thinking through things relating to family, friends, work, church, health, things to accomplish… it can quickly cause my mind to spin and honestly, can prevent me from giving my attention to what really matters.

Have you ever been there?

My family loves to camp, and I often find nature to be a great refuge for me – a place to take a breath, step back and zoom out. My cousin recently offered me her used camera, and I was excited to test it out on a recent camping trip to the Sierras.

On the first day a few of us were out fishing on the glassy quiet lake. Out of nowhere, we saw a bald eagle swoop down, grab a fish and fly to a nearby tree. After snapping a photo, I was reminded of what I would have missed if I wasn’t paying attention in the present moment and in the wonder of the scene…In another instance and on another trip to the Redwoods, we heard two red-tailed hawks soaring above the campground. No doubt seeing wildlife can be a common thing when out in nature; but, as I moved to grab the camera for a picture, I remember thinking about the importance of again slowing down to see and be present in the moment…

In this season of Advent, it’s so easy to have a million things pulling our attention. If you tend to over-think and analyze everything like I do, it can be hard to focus on the true reason for this season – Jesus – as everything else fights to distract us. In today’s world, we can constantly be somewhere, but rarely are we present.

In many ways, the world was different when Jesus was born. They didn’t have social media, electronics or all the other things we feel pressure from in our world today, but they still had massive distractions, fears and worries.

The Jewish people were under Roman rule, which brought with it a lot of tension and unrest. There had been 400 years of what seemed like silence since the Old Testament, and religious leaders focused largely on control. The local ruler, Herod, was ruthless… People longed for a Savior, to fulfill God’s promises written in Scripture.

Mary was an unexpected choice, but was very much part of God’s plan. The news that she would give birth to “Son of the Most High” (Luke 1:32) would change her life forever. She could have overthought it all, and let fear and doubt consume her mind; but instead, she held tightly to what God had promised of her and trusted Him. The PEACE of God ruled in her heart.Then, Jesus is born, and how does Mary respond?

“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19

Mary chose to treasure and ponder everything that was happening. She was deeply reflective and wanted to focus on what God had said and promised, instead of any of the noise going on in the world all around her. There was likely a deep saturation of peace in her heart as she acknowledged this profound moment in history.

What am I pondering? What do I treasure? What am I giving my hours and even minutes of this season to? These are some questions that I have personally been reflecting on in this season. Mary didn’t understand everything that was going on, but she held on tightly to God and let Him shape her understanding and identity.

My identity in Christ is that I am known, loved and seen by Him, and I want to experience the peace and confidence that comes from holding tightly onto God’s words about who I am. I want to allow myself to notice and even put words to what God is doing in the midst of this season.

In a busy Christmas season, it is so easy to be distracted and hold on to THINGS – words people say, regrets, fears, worries, what if’s, busyness, gifts, etc. The things we pay attention to and treasure most are often what shape our identity. And, some of these things are very real. But, I love these words in Matthew that call us to “zoom out” in a way:

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 16:19-21

When I find myself tempted to overthink, overanalyze, or over-worry, I need to remember the faithfulness of Mary and the peace she received by clinging to God. I am not perfect at this. But, I have found that in some of the day-to-day routines of small things, like expressing gratitude to God, it begins to shape the way I see the things around me.Here are some ways I’d like to invite us into treasuring moments and recognizing God’s presence in my life:

  • Saturating our mind with scripture, including verses like this:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

  • Listening to songs of worship to God, recalling lyrics that bring true peace
  • Putting together a memory jar filled with notes of moments in life where we saw God was at work – a conversation, a verse, a moment of gratitude, or a specific memory.
  • Journaling and reflecting on moments of peace that remind us of God’s presence

I pray in this season that you might develop a habit of “treasuring” meaningful moments of God, allowing them to deepen your faith and identity, and bring peace, especially in times of uncertainty.

Much like I have been learning through outdoor photography, may we allow ourselves to slow down and look around at what God is doing all around us. May we treasure, ponder and experience the deep peace like Mary.


By Andrew McKeown