This Sunday’s 5 p.m. gathering dinner: Chicken sandwiches with chips, or pizza and salad bar. Pre-order dinner now.
This Sunday’s 5 p.m. gathering dinner: Chicken sandwiches with chips, or, pizza and salad bar. Pre-order dinner now.
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Engage With Us

Sunday gatherings happen at 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m.*, 11:30 a.m. & 5 p.m. Choose to join us at our Rancho Cucamonga Campus or Watch Live online.

*Sign language support (ASL) is available during our 10am service in the Worship Center.

Office Hours

5354 Haven Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Thursday
(909) 980-2191



Children’s Director/Pastor 

Job Opportunities


Children’s Director/Pastor 

Children's Ministry  |  Full Time/Salary


  • Christ-Centered – Love for God, Scripture, and the Church. Committed to the Vision, Mission and Values of Hillside Community Church. 
  • Care – Caring Person, Slowing down to check in with one another, living in empathy. 
  • Collaboration – Team player, value every voice, willing to engage in accountable relationships. 
  • Communication – Strong verbal and written communication skills. 
  • Celebration – Able to smile and laugh. 


Strategic Leadership and Ministry Oversight: 

  • Oversee all programming and ministry for children from birth – fifth grade, including Sunday mornings & evenings, Wednesday nights, Summer Blast (VBS), summer programming, special events, childcare, and any new ministry or churchwide initiatives for a church with a current weekend attendance of 2000 adults and 500 Kids. (Larger Church serving over 4000 people monthly) 
  • Will oversee a team of full time & part time Children’s Ministry workers 
  • Lead & oversee a staff & volunteer team to create a ministry vision and Biblical curriculum for each unique age and stage 
  • Lead, collaborate, & oversee a staff team to create, edit, and implement safety policies and procedures. 
  • Ongoing Research for engaging curriculum for each program and each age level that responds to and anticipates spiritual, cultural, and developmental sensing.  
  • Prepare/oversee/manage/fuel annual Kids Ministry plan and calendar alongside Kids Team 
  • Develop and oversee the annual Kids Ministry budget in a way that effectively utilizes church resources and maximizes ministry opportunities. 
  • Collaborate with all church initiatives (encountering God deeply, empowering the next generation, equipping our church)  
  • Collaborate with Communications team around marketing towards kids, parents, and volunteers. 
  • Create a strategy for reaching and assimilating new children and families. Currently at 4 Sunday gatherings. 



  • Equip, prepare, connect, and resource parents  
  • Teach and/or facilitate parenting classes/events in partnership with All church seminars. 
  • Act as the point person and a partner for communication with parents – personally, large group, email, and social media 
  • Ongoing research & implementation of a Home + Church Connection Plan that responds to and anticipates spiritual, cultural and developmental sensing. 
  • Resource & Encourage parents to be involved in daily and practical spiritual formation of their kids’ lives. 


  • With Kids Staff: Recruit, retain, empower, equip, and appreciate volunteers. Current team 250+ volunteers. 
  • Oversee and build a team around the Worship environment in Kids Ministry alongside key volunteers 
  • Encourage and help train elementary/preschool/special needs/babysitting leaders as needed 
  • Make sure all leaders are screened and are on a serving schedule 
  • Help manage and schedule volunteers through PCO Services module 
  • Oversee, manage, and lead a team around Kids Ministry onboarding Workflow 
  • Identify and equip leaders of others and leaders of leaders (In collaboration with Leadership Development Initiative) 
  • Help volunteers through a discipleship pipeline and a leadership pipeline  


  • Set the Vision for the Ministry and actively pursue spiritual growth for every child  
  • Ongoing development for engaging Sunday morning programs that reaches each child on their level. 
  • Help to bring fresh ideas around creating experiences and environments to help kids experience God’s hope 

Kids Ministry Staff 

  • Train, empower, lead and develop Kids Ministry Coordinators, staff, key volunteers, Kids Leadership Team, and interns 
  • Provide a healthy rhythm of feedback, goal setting, and follow-up 
  • Set & lead weekly Kids Staff Meetings and 1:1 with each of your team members 
  • Implement Annual Kids team retreat 

Other Pastoral Duties 

  • Perform baptisms, weddings, funerals, hospital visits with follow-ups, and care & counseling as needed (if licensed, ordained, or in the process) 
  • Active participant of the Shepherding Team and Implementation Team 
  • Other duties as assigned  

What A Win Looks Like:  

  • Volunteers trained, connected, resourced, leading others, and loving what they do  
  • Kids and families feeling connected, loved and cared for  
  • Large Group time exciting, engaging, and helps kids learn Biblical truths  
  • Small group time engaging, interactive, and helps kids to build community and learn how to apply Biblical truths to their daily lives  
  • Families equipped with tools that help them lead their children spiritually at home  
  • Ministry organized and well scheduled in advance to be able to handle last second adjustments