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*Sign language support (ASL) is available during our 10am service in the Worship Center.

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5354 Haven Avenue
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Thursday
(909) 980-2191



Do A NEW Thing



Do A NEW Thing

Jan 7, 2023

Do A NEW Thing

Jan 7, 2023

At the start of every year, we start to see our social media filled with a consistent theme: goals.

Some people like to focus on one particular word for the year, while others tend to list out a bunch of things they would like to accomplish.

None of this is wrong, per say, but it might set us up for a task-oriented year. We might find ourselves striving to check things off our list, attaching our worth to what we “get done” or how busy we can stay over the course of the year.What if we laid down all of the lists, the goals, and the to-dos, and instead chased after one thing this year: obedience to God.

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1

Our Young Adults Director Jayden Zwerner shared a powerful message on January 1 and spoke on this exact charge for all of us. She reminded us that God isn’t asking for a successful year from us, but rather, He is inviting us into an obedient one.

Jayden also encouraged us to take tiny steps, day by day, towards the heart of God. When we do that, we build up active trust in Him that will prepare our hearts and our minds for the trials of life. This is an invaluable gift for the world we live in!

As we walk with God in 2023, we might also recognize the NEW things He is doing around us and what He is preparing us for.

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to “pick your word” or come up with a list of new year resolutions, maybe today you need to give yourself some grace and be encouraged by this: pick one thing. Much like God is always at work and doing a new thing, what could be your ONE new thing? What is one way you can seek after God and walk in obedience by taking on a new thing?If you’re trying to think of something for 2023, here are five opportunities to DO A NEW THING that will help you grow deeper in faith:

This year, my ONE NEW THING will be:


    The new year is always a great time to re-evaluate your daily routine and make some adjustments so that you can ensure you spend some time with God. Whether this is first thing in the morning, or you spend time in the Bible at the end of your day, God just desires for us to be with Him. As we meet with Him and spend time in His word, it will lay the foundation for a life of obedience. If you need a consistent reading plan, there are many available on the Bible app, but we also have a DAILY reading plan through the Bible section of our app!


    Make prayer a foundation and priority in your life this year by committing to pray with either your friends, your spouse or your kids DAILY. This doesn’t have to be overly elaborate, but just be faithful in prayer. Ask God to speak to you and to them as you bring your praises, requests and worship to Him.


    Maybe your new thing this year is going to be getting plugged in to a new ministry at Hillside and serving in that way. If God has been tugging on your heart to join the Kids Ministry or Students team, or maybe you have a curiosity about what it looks like to serve in the coffee bar. We have a Ministry Fair coming up on Feb. 5 (more info to come!), and we’d love to help you get connected. You could also lean into serving wherever God has you – whether that would be your neighbors or coworkers. Be bold and see what He will do!


    Our winter session of community is about to kick off and we have a bunch of groups ready to launch. If you are making community a priority this year, sign up for one of these! From women’s study to Rooted and more, these are a great way to meet some other people in our church and grow in your faith.


    Many people choose to examine their finances in the new year, and maybe this is a great opportunity to look at your giving. For some, it might mean giving for the first time. For others, it might mean giving consistently. Beyond that, you might feel compelled to give more generously or sacrificially. Whatever it looks like, we want to trust God with our treasures as they all come from Him in the first place. Take that step of obedience and watch what He does in your heart when you hold these things with open hands.

We know God has many great things planned for 2023. He is already at work doing a new thing, so let’s join Him. Open your hands, hand Him your goals, and commit to doing one new thing that will help you grow in faith as you obediently follow Jesus.

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9


By: Stacey Mensik

Stacey Mensik

Stacey is the Creative Content Coordinator for Hillside Community Church. She loves all things grammar, writing and editing, and enjoys trying to stay up-to-date on social media trends. She is mama to four energetic kids and is daily sustained by the word of God and coffee.

Stacey Mensik

Stacey is the Creative Content Coordinator for Hillside Community Church. She loves all things grammar, writing and editing, and enjoys trying to stay up-to-date on social media trends. She is mama to four energetic kids and is daily sustained by the word of God and coffee.